Lene Faust

Lene Faust is a social anthropologist, research fellow and lecturer at the Universities of Bern and Siegen. She obtained her PhD from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (in 2019). Her PhD was awarded the Leo Frobenius award of the Frobenius Institut Frankfurt for the best PhD 2020 and published under the title “Neofaschismus in Italien. Politik, Familie, Religion in Rom. Eine Ethnographie“ (2021). Since 2021, she has been working on her own project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation entitled "'Europe revers' - Sicily as a laboratory for 'hybrid statehood' in Europe?" based on long term-fieldwork in Catania, Sicily. Currently her research focusses on religious cults in Eastern Sicily.
Contact: lene.faust.anthro[at]gmail.com