Karim Zafer

Karim is lecturer and a PhD candidate at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne. He completed the interdisciplinary master's degree "Culture and Environment in Africa" in 2016 at the University of Cologne. He wrote his master thesis on "Perceptions of Sexual Harassment and the Islamic Religious Discourses in Cairo". His current PhD research project focuses on Arab unaccompanied minor and youth refugees in Germany and their Family- and Future-Making processes. His research interests include: the anthropology of forced migration, the anthropology of the Middle-East, and the anthropology of youth. He is also the speaker of the GAA Migration Working Group. Since December 2020, he is working as a project manager at the Global Responsibility Unit at the Division of International Affairs of the University of Cologne. Since 2022, he is also leading the activities of the Regional Office of the University of Cologne in Egypt. His role is to foster scientific collaboration projects between the University of Cologne and partner universities especially in the MENA-and Mediterranean Regions.
Contact: kzafer[at]uni-koeln.de