Overview 2024

Continuity and Circulation of Fables in the Circum-Mediterranean

Presence and co-presence. Rethinking the work of Ernesto de Martino and Julius Lips

Whose history? Decentering collective memories of colonial and postcolonial violence in the Rif, Morocco

Doing and undoing liminality: crisis, marginality, and power in Mediterranean anthropology

Landscapes as Archives of (Deadly) Transit

DiaMiGo Summer Research Academy at the American University in Cairo
Overview 2023

Film Screening - Solidarity Crime. The borders of democracy

60 Minutes on ... ‘Crises, Sensing and Sensemaking’

DiaMiGo Autumn Research Academy at the University of Cologne

The Mediterranean as a (De)Colonial Border Zone: Socio-Economic Disparities in the Context of Historical and Political Responsibilities